Folding louvre door fitting, Hawa Frontfold 30 IS

Folding louvre door fitting for folding and sliding louvre doors, installation in front of the window front or outside, suitable for exterior use, for louvre door weight up to 30 kg

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Folding louvre door fitting, Hawa Frontfold 30 IS

Folding louvre door fitting for folding and sliding louvre doors, installation in front of the window front or outside, suitable for exterior use, for louvre door weight up to 30 kg

  • Running gear and guide rail

    The hinges must be recessed on folding sliding louvre doors with a thickness of 33 mm.

  • Gap dimensions

    * The hinges are not part of the set and must be ordered separately.

  • Folding hinge installation options

    see key

    Version 1,
    Flat hinge:
    Z = 1–6 mm

  • Folding hinge installation options

    see key

    Version 2,
    Cranked hinge:
    Z = 6 mm

  • Tension latch

    Version with one tension latch

    see key

    Use tension latches for closing and securing the folding louvre doors.
    A locking plate is required for the inward folding Hawa Frontfold MS and TS.

  • Tension latch

    Version with two tension latches

    see key

    Use tension latches for closing and securing the folding louvre doors.
    A locking plate is required for the inward folding Hawa Frontfold MS and TS.

  • Tension latch

    folding outwards

    see key

    Use tension latches for closing and securing the folding louvre doors.
    A locking plate is required for the inward folding Hawa Frontfold MS and TS.

  • Tension latch

    folding inwards, with locking plate

    see key

    Use tension latches for closing and securing the folding louvre doors.
    A locking plate is required for the inward folding Hawa Frontfold MS and TS.

  • Folding package planning

    see key

    The folding package must be protected from wind influences.
    With less than 4 folding door leaves, a stop must be installed on site for protection against overwinding. (e.g. wall buffer in window soffit).

  • Locking plate

  • Frontfold 30 IS

    Running track ceiling installation, guide track recessed, open bottom

  • Running track ceiling installation, inward folding louvre doors

Image may show a similar article, please check product details.

94308080 product photo

Suspension fitting, fixed, folding to the left

Folding louvre door fitting for folding and sliding louvre doors, installation in front of the window front or outside, suitable for exterior use, for louvre door weight up to 30 kg, model: A1

Art. no. 943.08.080
94308081 product photo

Suspension fitting, fixed, folding to the left

Folding louvre door fitting for folding and sliding louvre doors, installation in front of the window front or outside, suitable for exterior use, for louvre door weight up to 30 kg, model: A1

Art. no. 943.08.081
94308082 product photo

Suspension fitting, fixed, folding to the left

Folding louvre door fitting for folding and sliding louvre doors, installation in front of the window front or outside, suitable for exterior use, for louvre door weight up to 30 kg, model: A1

Art. no. 943.08.082
94308083 product photo

Suspension fitting, fixed, folding to the left

Folding louvre door fitting for folding and sliding louvre doors, installation in front of the window front or outside, suitable for exterior use, for louvre door weight up to 30 kg, model: A1

Art. no. 943.08.083
94308084 product photo

Suspension fitting, fixed, folding to the left

Folding louvre door fitting for folding and sliding louvre doors, installation in front of the window front or outside, suitable for exterior use, for louvre door weight up to 30 kg, model: A1

Art. no. 943.08.084
Product details

Mounting options: Vorfront, Infront and Mixfront, as well as folding inwards and outwards
tested to wind resistance class 6 according to EN 13659
running gears are self-locking with closed louvre doors
corrosion-resistant materials: all fitting parts made of stainless steel V4A (1000 h salt spray test)


for wooden, aluminium or metal folding louvre doors

Leg Version

Without guide track

For door material

wood, Metal, Aluminium

For door height

≤3,200 mm

For door thickness

28 – 36 mm

For door weight

≤30 kg

For door width

≤600 mm

Adjustment facility

height adjustable ±5 mm or ±3 mm (see drawing) height adjustment via the flange hinge


In the closed state, the fittings are tested to wind resistance class 6 in accordance with EN 13659 (with max. surface area per louvre door of 1.2 m²).

Order reference

Please order tracks, hinges and accessories separately.
Use the order overview for simpler ordering.

Additional information attributes

When closed, the fittings are tested to wind resistance class 6, in accordance with EN 13659.
max. Surface area per louvre door: 1.2 m². Larger louvre doors must be perforated accordingly, or the wind resistance class is reduced
With surface area greater than 1 m², two tension latches (1x top, 1x bottom) must be fitted, otherwise the wind resistance class is reduced.
≤ 1 m²: 1 tension latch (top or bottom) wind resistance class 6
> 1 m²: 2 tension latches (top and bottom) wind resistance class 6
> 1 m²: 1 tension latch (top or bottom) wind resistance class 4
max. Door weight: 30 kg, max. weight of the system: 180 kg.
With wind speeds greater than 60 km/h, the louvre doors must be moved to the safe position. For outward folding systems
closed and tension latch hooked in, open inwards folding systems and secured to the wall.

Complementary products and accessories
Kurumsal Ofis: Hafele San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
Dudullu Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, 1. Cadde No : 10
34776 Ümraniye / İstanbul