When closed, the fittings are tested to wind resistance class 6, in accordance with EN 13659.
max. Surface area per louvre door: 1.2 m². Larger louvre doors must be perforated accordingly, or the wind resistance class is reduced
With surface area greater than 1 m², two tension latches (1x top, 1x bottom) must be fitted, otherwise the wind resistance class is reduced.
≤ 1 m²: 1 tension latch (top or bottom) wind resistance class 6
> 1 m²: 2 tension latches (top and bottom) wind resistance class 6
> 1 m²: 1 tension latch (top or bottom) wind resistance class 4
max. Door weight: 30 kg, max. weight of the system: 180 kg.
With wind speeds greater than 60 km/h, the louvre doors must be moved to the safe position. For outward folding systems
closed and tension latch hooked in, open inwards folding systems and secured to the wall.